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HipHop Workshop – Corona Song

This is the final video of the project “HipHop Workshop” by KRASS e.V. Over 3 months, children and young people between 12 and 13 years have participated in this art project. Under the guidance of the KRASS art lecturer Jason Firchow, the participants independently wrote…

This is the final video of the project “HipHop Workshop” by KRASS e.V.

Over 3 months, children and young people between 12 and 13 years have participated in this art project. Under the guidance of the KRASS art lecturer Jason Firchow, the participants independently wrote a song text and dealt with the topic #Corona. The song was diligently rehearsed, memorized, and recorded in a professional mobile recording studio. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, it was unfortunately not possible to perform the song in front of an audience. Therefore, the participants produced a video to rap their message to the world.

The project was carried out in cooperation with our sponsor school, the Gesamtschule Stettiner Straße in Düsseldorf-Garath. It was supported by the LVR (Landschaftsverband Rheinland).


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