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HipHop Workshop – Corona Song

This is the final video of the project “HipHop Workshop” by KRASS e.V. Over 3 months, children and young people between 12 and 13 years have participated in this art…

This is the final video of the project “HipHop Workshop” by KRASS e.V.

Over 3 months, children and young people between 12 and 13 years have participated in this art project. Under the guidance of the KRASS art lecturer Jason Firchow, the participants independently wrote a song text and dealt with the topic #Corona. The song was diligently rehearsed, memorized, and recorded in a professional mobile recording studio. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, it was unfortunately not possible to perform the song in front of an audience. Therefore, the participants produced a video to rap their message to the world.

The project was carried out in cooperation with our sponsor school, the Gesamtschule Stettiner Straße in Düsseldorf-Garath. It was supported by the LVR (Landschaftsverband Rheinland).


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