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Move the world together with us in a positive way

All KRASS team members contribute their knowledge and skills to one cause – our vision. We maintain a friendly and appreciative cooperation. Take a look at the following pages and get to know our administrative und artistic team! Are you interested in joining the network and moving the world together with us in a positive sense? Many people, companies and institutions already support us in many ways. For example, our team is made up of volunteers, interns, members, artists and educators. This mix gives us a healthy degree of flexibility in our collaboration.

„We do not regard our sponsors, donors in material/financial terms and donors of time as financiers and donors, but rather as partners with whom we develop common goals, to whom we offer added value and whom we would like to invite to “change roles”.“

Claudia Seidensticker-Fountis
Founder & chairwoman

“Art and culture are treasures of our civilization. I support KRASS because these riches should be a part of all children’s lives.”

Dr. Hayat Wiersch
Kunsthistorikerin und Leiterin Kommunikation

„At first, I thought the idea behind KRASS was great and I really like Claudia!“

Carina Gonzalez
Head of Finance & Fundraising

„I am committed to a society in which the creative potential of children and young people are encouraged and given space. In doing so, we want to combine profit-oriented and socially responsible entrepreneurship and thus create added value. We stand up for a society in which social values are lived and which is shaped by self-confident and self-determined people.“

Anastasios Fountis
Board & Strategy

“Music is simply a wonderful medium for experiencing culture, exchanging ideas and having new experiences in a playful way. It’s always wonderful to explore your own limits together and to share space and time.”

Peter Musebrink
Musician, Project Coordinator


“Children are the future. These are not just words, this is the truth. I think it is very important that every child has the opportunity to receive an art education, regardless of where they come from. The children should have the feeling of being seen and appreciated. That’s why we go to the children who don’t get much attention. Every week, together with the children, I learn to value life, to enjoy the little things, and to realize the true power of art: To change the world.”

Ana Perez Molina
Philosophin, Künstlerin und Projektleiterin KulturMobil

„The fundamental concept of bringing culture, art and creativity in all its forms close to children and thus perhaps giving them undreamt-of perspectives, self-confidence and creative potential, has convinced us.“

Andreas Etzel
Art Director

“I support KRASS, because sometimes even heroes need help.”

Stephanie Woitek
Web design

“I support KRASS because I think it is great and important that all children have access to culture and art. I am happy that I can contribute to this with my support.”

Dirk Meyer
IT, Administration Teams ms365

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