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Old meets young

Developing sustainable contacts between generations, getting to know each other and identifying with their own district, developing creative potentials and discovering new ones, trying out artistic forms of expression. We…

Zwei Erwachsene malen gemeinsam mit mehreren Kindern bunte Bilder.

Developing sustainable contacts between generations, getting to know each other and identifying with their own district, developing creative potentials and discovering new ones, trying out artistic forms of expression.

We open the doors of the Pestalozzihaus on the Grafenberger Alle in Düsseldorf and invite kindergarten children and open-minded people from the 65+ generation to participate in a joint creative project.

For a few weeks – in terms of design orientation – an aesthetic research journey will take place in different artistic forms of expression. The most diverse characters and personalities will meet to complement each other and create something new.

With the painterly, print-graphic or sculptural “work of art” that will be created, an entertaining final presentation with all participants is planned. One will be a wonderful symbiotic effect that through the joint artistic search for the track, lasting contacts are established between all participants, the identification of the participants with the district improves and a meaningful and invigorating horizon extension for both age groups occurs.

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